I Love to...

  • to Sing 
  • Listening to music
  • Reading books, (especially Horror and still can sleep by myself in my room 😀 )
  • writing thriller stories and poems
  • dancing in parties with family & Friends
  • to do painting
  • cooking 
  • playing Piano 

and so many more but above all – I love to joke and LAUGH! 

My mom told me many times that as a baby I always woke up with a smile on my face. So, I am not surprised that I love to laugh all the time.

I get excited about going on vacations, trying new cuisines, shopping, visiting museums, historical sites and the list can go on!

I want to be an actor and a singer. So, I have been learning music (Carnatic and Western Pop) from past few years. I am learning and practicing Piano too since I was five years. 

My mom told me many times that as a baby I always woke up with a smile on my face.